Tips for Completing Might & Magic Heroes - Main Missions # 016


Additional task: Pirate Fortress

Additional objective: Defeat the pirate armies

This quest starts automatically after finding the right side of the map occupied by pirates. These are the same pirates who stole the artifact from The Stolen Heritage quest.

Get on the ship and go to the pirate hideout in the lower right corner of the map. There you will find three enemy troops, two on the islands and one on the ship. After dealing with them, the task will be completed, and you will receive 2,500 gold and a Pirate Crossbow artifact.

Campaign: Twilight Odyssey, Map: Portals of Fleeting Dreams

We continue the campaign of the forest elves, bypassing the last map.

This time, from the beginning of the game, you will have three heroes of this campaign. It is important to note that at first you will not own any city, so during the battles you should ensure the least possible losses.

There are two additional tasks on the map. A description of their passage can be found under the description of all the main tasks on this map.

Main Quest: The Threat of Dragon Island

The goal: to get to the Summer Forge of the Elements in the north.

You have 12 weeks to complete this task. The forge of the elements, which you must reach, is located in the north of the map, which is full of enemy troops.

Follow the point marked on the map. As soon as the forge is in the exploration area, the task will be completed. As a reward, Wysloth will receive 20,000 XP, 5 destinations, and a Forest Cloak Artifact.

Main quest: Debauchery

Objective: Defeat the Wizard leader in the Elemental Forge

You must defeat the wizard who uses the Elemental Forge. It's not difficult to find him, because he's blocking the way to the forge you just discovered.

Saabira has a maximum experience level of 30

Attack Sabira with your whole army. She is a fully developed hero, and she has a very large army, so it is recommended that you complete all the side quests before attacking her.

As a reward for completing the quest, Wysloth will receive 50,000 XP and 10 points of magic and spirit.

Main Quest: Choose your destiny

The last mission in this campaign is a choice. You must guide Wisloth to Danan or his father's ship. It's up to you how this story ends.

The goal: to approach the ship and rejoin the sea elves.

If you think that Wisloth should return to his father and become a hero, go to the bottom left corner of the screen and step onto the ship moored there. Weislot will become a hero, even though he will never meet Danan again.

Objective: Enter the Forge of the Elements to perform a ritual with Danan.

If you think that Wisloth should stay with Danan, head to the Elemental Forge that you just liberated from the wizards. Wisloth and Danan will stay together forever, but the sea elf will never become famous as a hero.

Regardless of your choice, Wysloth will receive 50,000 XP and the campaign will end.